Home is the first learning point for kids. It is said "An educated women creates educated world". She can give extra time to teach her child. There are many countries in which most of the school are working for kids training but they hardly provide 4 -6 hours for kids. At home parent especially mother can give extra time to her child. She can start training of their kid from basic program like paint. Normally every child like to work in paint. They create some drawing according to their ideas.  Parent can use different educational software about counting and learning alphabet. A common Software "Easy Learning" is available in market. It has collection of many software. These software belongs to "Science", "Math","Chemistry","English","Computer" etc. Parents should start with easy learning steps. Remember that don't force to learn according to your choice. kids can learn more with their own interest. If he likes mathematical problems, let him do it. After sometime provide him some hygienic food for better physical and mental growth. Give your child peaceful and relax atmosphere.