Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 Lifetime without License Key:

HOW IT WORKS JUST FOLLOW THESE 7 STEPS: First of all disconnect your internet connection and Remove modem or Disconnect that Ethernet Cable. it is very necessary that to get lifetime Key of Kasper sky internet security 2012 .(copy this post and save it to notepad)> Delete the existing key (If You Have)
> Now Open Kaspersky 2012 product Then Click on (Either KIS or KAV) settings

LG Mobile Secret Codes:

*#06# > To display the IMEI Number of the mobile.2945*#01*# > Secret menu for LG.2945#*# > Test mode.*8375# > Use to display the mobile software version.*#07# > To display the SW and IMEI Number(LG 510)2945#*70001# > Simlock menu (LG 7020, 7010)2947#* > Simlock menu (LG 500, 600)2945#*5101# > Simlock